Faith Over Fear
Are you focused on the storm or are you focused on the Savior?
One of my favorite portions of scripture within the Gospel tradition is the narrative of Peter walking on water toward Jesus.
As Jesus calls him to step out of the boat into the unknown - the storm, the winds, the waves - Peter bravely steps out toward Jesus and begins to walk on water by faith.
Yet after some time, his attention shifts away from Jesus to the ENORMITY of the waves and the howling wind, and Peter begins to sink under the pressure as his focus is now on the storm and he loses sight of the Savior.
Like Peter, sometimes faith is often easiest to acquire at the start of our journey but becomes more difficult to maintain as we move ahead and encounter the unsettling winds and waves of life.
But whatever consumes your attention ultimately has your focus.
Are you overly attentive to the news, the bad report, the economics, the pandemic - do you keep “checking” in on the wind and the waves? Or are you focused on the eyes of the Savior? On the One who is able to calm the storm and all its chaotic elements through a soft-spoken word.
Fear is easy. Faith is hard.
But Good news - *Jesus caught Peter* - and demonstrates that even when we are FAITHLESS, Jesus ALWAYS REMAINS FAITHFUL.
Savior OVER sickness. Faith OVER fear. Fix YOUR focus!